Finding Your Footing During a Faith Crisis: Connecting to Your Values
For many, experiencing a shift in belief system or relationship with religion can feel like the ground has disappeared beneath them. The ways we once saw ourselves and the world become uncertain. Emotionally, we may feel confused, hurt, or angry. Physically, we might experience tension, fatigue, or disorientation.
In such moments, it’s natural to feel an urgency to restore a sense of normalcy. While this impulse is understandable, our distress often overshadows the tools and resources we already have to anchor us during these shifts. One powerful way to regain stability is by reconnecting with your core values. By focusing on the values you already hold, you can regain solid footing and make thoughtful decisions about the changes you want to embrace. Below are steps to help you explore and connect with your values:
1. Take Inventory of Your Values
Before trying to determine new beliefs, reflect on the values you already hold that still feel true or useful to you. While the free fall sensation might make it seem like everything has changed, often many of our core values remain intact in some form.
To start, it can sometimes be helpful to look up a list of potential values and identify five or six that resonate most with you. Examples include love, loyalty, responsibility, and respect. Resources like Therapist Aid offer lists to guide this process, and free assessments like the VIA Institute on Character strength’s survey can help you identify your top values.
2. Reflect on Your Values
Once you’ve identified your top values, take time to explore what they mean to you. Consider the following questions for each value:
What does this value mean to me?
How has this value shown up in my life before?
How do I feel about this value?
What would it mean to live this value 5–10% more often?
What is my relationship with this value? (Is it complicated, harmonious, or challenging?)
What gets in the way of this value showing up more in my life?
3. Make Plans to Live Your Values
Now that you’ve explored your values, think about how to intentionally bring them more fully into your daily life. Small, incremental changes are often more sustainable than sweeping transformations. Ask yourself:
What would it look like to live this value 1–2% more of the time?
What’s one step I can take this week to make that shift?
What support might I need to make this step?
4. Notice the Impact of Living Your Values
This final step is easy to overlook but incredibly important. Take time to notice how it feels to act in alignment with your values. Pay attention to the sensations in your body, the thoughts that arise, and the emotions you experience. Do you feel relaxed, energized, or at peace? Savoring these moments reinforces the connection to your values and motivates you to continue building on your progress.
Navigating a faith crisis or transition can feel overwhelming, but by anchoring yourself to your values, you can find clarity and purpose. Take small steps, reflect on your progress, and allow your values to guide you toward a fulfilling and authentic path forward. Need more support in finding ways to take value-driven action? Reach out to schedule a free consultation and I'd be happy to help you start exploring ways to more fully align with your values.